5 on 5: Novemeber

I was only home for 14 days in November.   I am finally home for the rest of December and I can’t wait to sleep in my own bed.  While I missed my home terribly, I had some wonderful adventures.

This month’s 5 on 5 is going to be a little different.  I had three big adventures in November and I am going to share FIVE images from each adventure.  I know that isn’t really how I have done my 5 on 5, but it is my blog and I get to make the rules.  Have I mentioned that not sleeping in my own bed and being tired makes me a little sassy?

Andy and I had a wonderful trip up to June Lake. It was great to get away with my man.

I also traveled to Sonoma to attend a wonderful camp, Firefly Photocamp. I talked more about the camp over on Viewfinders a few weeks ago.  One of the classes I really enjoyed was the food styling class.  I even got to take it with my sweet friend Vanessa, whom I link to each month!

My family took a road trip up to San Francisco for Thanksgiving.  And while it was one more trip away from my wonderful bed, I had all my babies with me the whole time.  It felt luxurious to be just the five of us after being gone from my family for so long.


Looking back at the month each time I create a 5 on 5 post has become such a beautiful practice for me.  Life happens so quickly, it is nice to go back and savor it a bit.  To enjoy some of Vanessa’s November follow this link over to her blog.





Staci Lee

I like my cameras old, my shoes comfortable, and my whiskey neat.



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