December: 10 on 10

This year has not been one of my favorites.  It definitely wasn’t the worst year, but might be bottom 10.  And at the very same time, so much wonderful has happened this year.

I graduated my youngest daughter. After homeschooling all three of my girls over the last 20 years, I finished strong.

I started school myself. I have realized my dreams for myself and am reaching for them.

I was published in a printed magazine.  Not once, not twice, but three times.  This feels so unreal to me, I hardly still believe it.

My family is closer than ever and we continue to learn how to love and know each other better. I am amazed at how free we are in this house, while still holding each other gently and with grace.

These are all very good things. Life-giving things.

For my last 10 on 10 of 2016, I am going to go back and find my favorite 10 images of the year. Because, sometimes, looking for the best parts gets us through the worst parts.

I had pneumonia for the first sixty days of 2016.  Meanwhile, while I laid in bed, my favorite tree bloomed.  I couldn’t climb a ladder to shoot it and had to stand at the bottom of my tree and shoot up. Somehow, this feels like my whole year.  I stood at the bottom and looked up to the One thing that continues to give me hope, time and time again.




And then, there are my children.  They bring me joy and contentment each day.  I look back at my images, and I see the beauty- inside and out- of my girls.  They have grown to be powerful, loving,  and determined women.  I am one proud mama.




And then, there is my loverboy.  This man.  I don’t know if I will ever find the words to express how much I love him.  He supports me in ways I have never been supported.  He loves me in ways I have never been loved. He sees the good and incredible in me with such passion, I almost believe he sees what must be true.


I also started a blog with my friend Megan, An Ordinary Grace.  Purposely looking for what the week has meant to me and shooting it has helped me find hope each week.  Reminding myself to hold all of life, the sour, the peaceful and the beauty has helped me learn to love better; myself and others.




I did this project, telling stories in ten images, with some amazing photographers this year.  Start with Kim’s post and then click on through to the other’s stories. You will not be disappointed.


Staci Lee

I like my cameras old, my shoes comfortable, and my whiskey neat.


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